All you need to know to get started with your DTP student. E4 DTP Handbook for Students and SupervisorsThe below includes essential information on training (including Training Needs Analyses guidance) and funding and describes expectations from both DTP students and supervisors. Document E4 DTP Handbook 2024/25 for Students and Supervisors (24.85 MB / PDF) E4 DTP Induction SessionThe E4 DTP Induction Session will take place on Tuesday 10 September 2024, 3 to 5pm, Cockburn Museum, Grant Institute, KB. This event is for students only.NERC Reporting FormsThe below NERC reporting forms need to be completed before the start of your DTP student. Document Je-S Information Form (34.56 KB / DOCX) Supervisors Starter Check-List Document E4 Supervisors Starter Check-list (187.56 KB / PDF) CASE Projects Form If your project includes a CASE partner, we would need the below form completed so we can start setting up the CASE Agreement with the Research Contract Office legal team. Document CASE Studentship Agreement Request Form (28.59 KB / DOCX) Training Needs Analyses and Network AnalysisTraining Needs Analyses (TNA)Individual TNA meetings will be held each year (Autumn), with the DTP Deputy Director for Training in year 1 and with supervisory teams in year 2 and 3. The TNA process is guided by:discussion between the student and their supervisory team to identify skills needs and potential career pathways;the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)Supervisors of E4 students in year 2 and 3 will receive an email towards November detailing the TNA process and setting a deadline for returning the TNA form (usually 10 December).Training needs and courses or resources already identified are to be entered on a TNA form in advance of the meeting and updated thereafter.Students will use a Training Needs Analyses (TNA) tool provided by the Institute for Academic Development. Document IAD Training Needs Analysis Template (35.21 KB / DOCX) The E4 DTP TNA form that students need to complete and review year is on tab 4 of their training log. It must be returned to the E4 DTP Manager each year by 10 December.Network AnalysisStudents are encouraged to join groups and networks with common interests, which can provide helpful resources and support during the studies. This can be peer-support groups, research groups or wider networks, beyond the school and university, related to their research topic, other interests and/or personal situation.As part of their annual TNA, students will be required to look for and identify such opportunities, and check how they can join these groups. this information is to be reviewed every year as additional needs and support can arise during the PhD.The Network Analysis form is on tab 5 of the student E4 Training log.Check the DTP students' section to access the training log forms. Other forms and information on training and fundingFurther information and forms are available on the DTP students' section. This article was published on 2024-02-26