Welcome to the E4 and E5 Doctoral Training Partnerships

The E4 Doctoral Training Partnership (E4 DTP), led by the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, was funded by NERC to train 5 cohorts of PhD students annually from 2019 and 2023. Building on this success, the E5 DTP will continue this legacy by recruiting and training 3 cohorts of PhD students annually between 2024 and 2026.
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Video: A day in my PhD life
PhD students in Environmental Sciences talk about their day-to-day life.
About the E4 DTP

Find out more about the E4 DTP's offer and setting. 


The E4 and E5 DTPs bring together a diverse group of academic and external partners, forming one of the largest academic clusters in envionmental research in the UK.


Look up our current DTP students and read our alumni profiles.

NERC sometimes awards additional streams of money through the DTP, such as placement schemes or studentships.

Information for supervisors, partners and current students.