Details of the E4 studentship, optional E4 stipend extension schemes (PIP and PDS) and other funding provision (ORVCF and Paid Leaves). Regulations The DTP studentship is fully (or partly) paid by NERC and is therefore regulated by the UKRI Training Grant Terms and Conditions. Further guidance can be found in the UKRI Training Grant Guide. Please refer to the section TGC8 of both documents for matters such as sick leave, maternity/paternity/adoption leave, interruptions and annual leave. E4 DTP: NERC adds some DTP2 Specific Terms and Conditions to be read in conjunction with the DTP2 Guidance and FAQs. E4 Studentship details Details of what the DTP studentships include. E4 Stipend Extension Schemes Details of the PIP (Professional Internship Programme) and PDS (Publication Scheme) E4 DTP ORVCF and Additional Funds Includes the ORVCF (Overseas Research Visit and Conference Funds) and other non-E4 funds E4 Sick, Maternity/Paternity and Special Leaves Details of the UKRI-provided sick, maternity/paternity and special leave entitlement This article was published on 2024-02-26