E4 DTP ORVCF and Additional Funds

Includes the ORVCF (Overseas Research Visit and Conference Funds) and other non-E4 funds

Overseas Research visit and Conference Funds (ORVCF)

The ORVCF is a fund accessible to all DTP students funded by NERC (E3/E4 DTP and NPIF) and who are still under stipend. It enables students to gain experience in an overseas research environment and/or present their work at an international conference, especially in the purpose of developing new collaborations and network. There are 2 calls a year with deadlines 1 December and 1 June.

E4 DTP ORVCF Application Guidance


Other non-E4 Funding Opportunities

There are multiple other funding sources to fund additional activities such as fieldwork or trips to conferences, often through external funding calls. These generally depend on your research area or topic and your supervisors or research group will know of such opportunities. 

There is a document shared on the GeoSciences PGR Student Teams which compiles some small grants and funding pots as well as some financial support schemes. Feel free to add to this spreadsheet if you know of other pots.

School of GeoSciences Endowment Funds for Geography Students only

There are 4 alumni-funded funds in the school of GeoSciences for geography students. Call for applications is sent annually in October via email by the PGR office. The funding must be used to support fieldwork, research expenses (including subsistence and maintenance), conference attendance (normally, where the applicant is scheduled to give a paper or a poster). Normally, applications should not exceed £500. Preference may be given to applicants who have little or no sources of funding as supplement beyond the standard grant, or who are self-funded. Applications for retrospective funding will not be considered.

  • The Centenary Research Fund is the result of alumni and other donations in academic year 2008-2009 to mark the Centenary of the establishment of Geography as a department of the University (1908).
  • The EDUCT Geography Centenary Research Fund was established in 2008 by EDUCT (Edinburgh University Club of Toronto) and other North American alumni and friends. EDUCT awardees will be interviewed for the EDUCT newsletter. 
  • The Lamb Fund helps support research in Geography.
  • The Meiklejohn Fund helps support and aspect of geographical research.

SAGES Small Grants Scheme (SSGS)

The SAGES Small Grants Scheme (SSGS) has the capacity to allocate small amounts of flexible funding to support requests from SAGES members to raise the visibility of SAGES members research and/or facilitate SAGES community building. Examples of areas for which funds may be provided include: meeting/conference expenses, equipment for purchase/hire, sample analyses, access to data and ad hoc assistance, requests to host workshops, networking events, provision of access to knowledge/techniques. SAGES strongly encourages non-air travel within Europe.  Small Grants Scheme (SSGS) | SAGES