All years Training

Training workshops open to all DTP years, running every year. Includes the ECCI Consultancy Innovation training programme.

As a general rule, DTP students can attend any DTP training that they have missed in previous years, they will just need to email the DTP manager to sign up and make sure there is space available for them. Any session of the NMDM and Frontiers series can for example be attended in any year. The below workshops run every year and can be attended in any year.

Grant Writing Workshop - January

The first iteration of this workshop took place on 17 January 2023. 

 Grant Writing Workshop Programme - Jan 2023 (198.67 KB PDF)

 Grant Writing for Academia - Kyle Dexter (1.01 MB PDF)

 Grant Writing for businesses - Jamie Brogan and Clare Wharmby (902.63 KB PDF)

ECCI Consultancy Innovation Training Programme

The ECCI provides 5 workshops across the year on impact, innovation and career enhancement:

  1. 'Project Management Skills ' in both industry and academia sector
  2. 'Making your Research Matter', on the connection between research and policy (includes a visit of the Parliament)
  3. 'Communications skills' to talk about your research to a wide range of audiences
  4. 'Funding and Innovation' insight into funding and grant application processes in business sector
  5. 'Improving sustainability of research', understand how to measure and improve the climate impact of your research

They also introduce DTP students to their business residents and start-ups and offer matches for short paid consultancy placement opportunities (up to 10 days - additional stipend will be paid in June). This placement scheme can only be done during the funding period (while you receive stipend) and is recommended in year 1).

View the recording of the introductory session held on 5 October 2021 (in person) (the sound improves after 5 minutes).


 ECCI Consultancy Placement Information (202.42 KB PDF)

Previous placements' hosts include: Seawater SolutionsSpace IntelligenceGreen ElementInmotion GroupClimate XChangeWHRL;  CarbomapCarbogenicsOne CherryPlanet Sutherland;  Argyle and Bute Community TrustPawprintScience and Skills Academy with Highlands and Islands EnterpriseYaldi GamesIceni EarthFolarityFarmhand Ltd; Craft Prospect Ltd; Kionnali Living SystemPropEco; Global Surface Intelligence; Townrock Energy Ltd; UNEP-WCMC; Astley Ainslie Community Trust; Royal Botanic Gardens Kew; Orbital Microsystem; PicSea Ltd; Wave Energy Scotland; Lisini Group