All information about the E4 DTP training and how to find and record training activities. E4 DTP Training Overview Document E4 DTP Training Overview (139.77 KB / PDF) E4 DTP Training Programme 2023/2024 Document E4 DTP Training Programme 2023/24 (190.38 KB / PDF) Training Needs Assessment, Network Analysis and Training Log Information on the TNA and Network Analysis process and how to record training and output activities on the Training Log Finding training opportunities Some guidance to help you look for specific or generic training Year 1 Training Training schedules, programmes and slides for Year 1s Year 2 Training Training schedules, programmes and slides for Year 2s Year 3 Training Training schedules, programmes and slides for Year 3s All years Training Training workshops open to all DTP years, running every year. Includes the ECCI Consultancy Innovation training programme. Training feedback We always welcome your feedback and suggestions on generic DTP training. Please contact the DTP Deputy Director responsible for training: Massimo Bollasina, at You can also give us feedback on training through our Student Advisory Board members who meet with the DTP Management team in December and provide feedback on the overall DTP. This article was published on 2024-02-26