Online Applicants Information and Q&A Sessions

Hear about the E4 DTP and its selection process

The below recording of our Applicants Information held on 15 November 2023 covers all aspects of the E4 DTP and its application process. 

The recording is about 33-minute long and consists of two parts:

- E4 DTP general presentation by E4 DTP Director Richard Essery (0-16:40)

- E4 DTP application and selection process by E4 DTP Manager Stephanie Robin (16:41-33:38)

Wednesday 15 November 2023, 11:30-12:30 (GMT)

Thursday 30 November 2023, 13:00-14:00 (GMT)

Slides from the presentation

E4 DTP General Introduction: what is the E4 DTP and what to expect from a PhD with us? By E4 DTP Director Richard Essery

E4 DTP Presentation slides (1.74 MB / PDF)

E4 DTP Application and Selection Process : everything you need to know to apply for an E4 DTP studentship by E4 DTP Manager Stephanie Robin